The average life span of a client account varies between 3-5 years. At Solocom, our average is significantly higher thanks to the positive return on investment we generate for our clients.

Some have even been with us for more than a decade, namely, Saputo, Labopharm, Domtar and WalterCharron, as well as À la carte express and Café Napoléon.

Over the years, lawyers have approached me, time and again, looking to validate current best practices for transferring an account from one agency to another.

Personally, my golden rule is to part on the best of terms and to help managers reach their goals, even during the transition. This holds especially true when new hires are making the circumstances more complex.

Here are five tips to make your agency transition more harmonious:

  • This change needs to be managed just like any other project, so make sure to define your principal objectives and draft a work plan. Transitions take time!
  • Send a list of requirements to your current agency so that they can prepare the document transfer. A budget must be allotted to pay those who will ensure the smooth and efficient transfer of your materials.
  • The digital universe is a vast one, so make sure that you properly understand your needs and the appropriate vocabulary. Consult your IT team to get their precise specifications and needs.
  • Select a contact person for your team. Every project needs a champion!
  • Ensure that your contact person has a good grasp of your company’s dealings. Don’t send in your latest hire, who is unfamiliar with your agency history or, worse, may not understand the necessary terminology.

In short, only rigor and planning will make your transition a success one: clearly express your needs and don’t wait until the last minute to ask for the website’s access codes or the templates for your digital presentations.

When we welcome a new client, we do everything with the utmost professionalism. That’s because we know that you (or your predecessor) chose the exiting agency for a reason. Respect is crucial on both sides of the transition to ensure the best results for the client.

Contact us to learn more about our transition process!

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Philippe Jacques

Président, stratège en chef

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