The digital era is here. If you, as manager, want to make the most of it, you have to teach yourself a new reflex action: ensure that your company’s strategies, tactics and initiatives are part of the digital ecosystem.

It stands to reason – but there are still companies who haven’t gone for web marketing, or, if they have, they use it in a totally ineffective way.

Content can bring big business

According to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs, companies allocate about 26% of their marketing budgets to content creation. What percentage does it get in your business?

If you’ve replied “under 10%” and you’re running a B2B company and wondering how to increase turnover, here’s some advice: get on the phone to me fast before it’s too late.

If you do allocate more than 10% of your budget, no doubt you have a blog, an newsletter, a technical presentation document, a video, and so on. Well done! Now all you have to do is make sure your marketing tools match your business objective.

The right support for developing engaging content

Your web marketing program is a great tool for opening up business opportunities, as well as giving your sales team solid support to help broaden your prospect database. But, only too often, content development is given to someone without actually telling them what the business objective is.

What makes it worse is that you don’t even know how to assess the impact of your campaign. Here’s something you really have to bear in mind at all times: to increase sales, everything you do has to follow the same line.

Here at Solocom we believe that your website is potentially your company’s best salesperson, and we’ll help you reach your objectives.

10 key performance indicators for measuring your success

Here are the 10 performance indicators most used by CXOs, according to a number of experts:

  1. Sales Lead Quality
  2. Sales
  3. Higher Conversion Rates
  4. Sales Lead Quantity
  5. Website Traffic
  6. Brand Lift
  7. SEO Ranking
  8. Customer Renewal Rates
  9. Purchase Intent
  10. Subscriber Growth

Four ways to increase the impact of your digital communications campaigns

  1. Relate to your business target. Always communicate with reference to their particular background, and try not to fall into the ‘me, me, me’ trap when you write.
  2. Always assess your marketing activities with reference to how they help you reach your target.
  3. Draft a content and dissemination calendar that leaves room for spontaneity: you don’t need to plan absolutely everything in advance, as long as you remain focused on your business objectives.
  4. Share out responsibility for content creation. A team is sure to have more knowledge and information than just one person.

Eventually, assess what you’ve done, make adjustments where necessary, and reap the rewards of your work, so that you can grow your company into a good, prosperous, long-lasting business.

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Philippe Jacques

Président, stratège en chef

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